Monday 11 August 2014


Super Metroid
Platforms: SNES, Wii (VC), Wii U (VC)

Gameplay: 9

Super Metroid is a 2-D action/adventure platformer that takes place in a very large and connected world. Samus Aran must collect power-ups and armor upgrades along the way allowing her to progress, backtrack and explore hidden areas. The game has a gradual difficulty curve making it essential to collect missile and bomb expansions. The platforming is some of the best on the SNES and suit upgrades like the grapple beam, space jump and speed booster provide a unique twist. Boss battles are awesome and the game is easy to control so any gamer will find this game appealing. Though the map system is frustrating and wall-jumping is sometimes difficult, Super Metroid has so many positive qualities that want you to keep playing making you forget about the few things that are not great

Story: 8.5

While most other Nintendo series value gameplay over story, Super Metroid's story is well above what you would expect from a Nintendo game. Though very basic, it is enough to hold the game together while also providing a solid foundation to both past and future games in the series. 

Sound: 10

The game's soundtrack is topnotch and it fits the grand scale of the game perfectly. The dark, mysterious, dramatic songs and sound effects gripping when listened to alone and while playing they complement the gameplay so well. I value the soundtrack of a game greatly and I can say without a doubt that Super Metroid has arguably the best sounding games on the SNES and it pushed the envelope on how a Nintendo game should sound. 

Presentation: 10

Super Metroid IS the best looking game of the 16-bit era. The game pushed to the system to its limit, providing players with extremely detailed and colourful sprites and environments. 
Transitions between rooms are seamless and besides the rare frame rate drop, the game's presentation is perfect.

Lasting Appeal: 9.5

For a single player game Super Metroid has an immense amount of replayability. There are tons of extra weapon expansions and E-Tanks to collect throughout the game. By beating the game 100% players can see a surprise during the end credits plus there is the appeal of speed running the game. All in all Super Metroid is just plain fun to play over and over again because it is so enjoyable.

Final Thoughts:

Super Metroid is not just a must play title for people with a SNES or Wii/Wii U, but for everyone who loves video games because it did so many things right and set the standard for games in it's series and genre. Super Metroid is in an elite class of games and there is no reason why you shouldn't play this masterpiece. 


Reviewed by: The Albatross

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